侯醫師執業牙醫40年,長期因看診、日常生活的不良姿勢,導致肩頸及腰痠背痛,每天早晨都需要花一段 時間才能下床。經過一年多的Functional Patterns訓練矯正,舊有的酸痛與不適都不藥而癒!體態也明顯 變得更挺立!客戶回饋:「對於近70歲的老翁,透過FP的訓練,讓我重新掌握自己的身體,身心靈也變得 非常舒適!」

客戶回饋:「自2023.04.11開始接受FP佳恩教練用心的教導至今,歷經近50堂課程。執業牙醫師四十年來 累積的姿勢不當,以及長久以來在生活中未能注意的錯誤動作⋯所造成的肩頸背部長期痠疼,都在這一 年又兩個月的訓練矯治下不藥而癒,且體態也明顯地變得挺立。在老師一對一細心指點每個動作的姿勢 ,耐心地引導並說明其相互間的關係下,對已近70老翁的個人身心靈必會帶來更精彩的展現!」


Before : 2023年4月








After : 2024年6月






訓練前後照片參考 :

Doctor Hou‘s Posture Improvements

Doctor Hou has been practicing dentistry for 40 years. Due to long-term poor posture from clinical work and daily life, he suffered from shoulder, neck, and lower back pain, and every morning it took him some time to get out of bed. After over a year of Functional Patterns training and correction, the old aches and discomfort have all disappeared! His posture has also noticeably improved! Feedback from clients: “For a man nearing 70 years old, through FP training, I have regained control of my body, and my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being has become very comfortable!”

Before : 2023/4

❌Weak Core

❌Spinal Compression

❌Shoulder and neck pain (10/10)

❌Lower back stiffness (9/10)

❌Long-term back pain (9/10)

After : 2024/6

✅Shoulder and neck pain (1/10)

✅Lower back stiffness (0/10)

✅ Long-term back pain (0/10)

✅Spinal decompression, stronger core

#functionalpatterns #fptaiwan #painrelief