
隨後,敦皓遇到了Functional Patterns,他決定採用這種特殊的訓練方法。在持續一年半的專業訓練後,他觀察到肌肉僵硬減少,上背部和下背部的疼痛得以緩解。



❌ 左肋骨張開和壓縮

❌ 肩部壓縮







✅ 頸部對齊改善

✅ 腹部核心張力提升




Prior to November 2021, Tun Hao held a sedentary occupation that necessitated eight hours of sitting during his workday. This prolonged period of inactivity contributed to the development of muscle stiffness, notably in his right shoulder and upper back regions. In an effort to alleviate these discomforts, he elected to enroll in a gymnasium for regular exercise. Regrettably, even after a year of adhering to conventional training methods, his condition demonstrated only marginal improvement. On the contrary, his discomfort exacerbated on the right side of his body, encompassing the area extending from his shoulder to the sacrum.

It was subsequently that Tun Hao encountered Functional Patterns and made the conscious decision to embrace their specialized training regimen. Following a dedicated period of one and a half years adhering to this distinctive approach, he observed a discernible reduction in stiffness and an alleviation of pain in both his upper and lower right dorsal regions.

By November 2021, Tun Hao exhibited a series of anatomical issues, including:

- Forward head posture

- Flaring and compression of the left rib cage

- Compression in the shoulder area

- Insufficient engagement of the core musculature

- Kyphosis

- Excessive anterior pelvic tilt

- Forward shift of the humerus

As of August 2023, noteworthy advancements have materialized:

- Substantial enhancement in shoulder positioning

- Notable refinement in neck alignment

- Heightened tension and engagement of the core musculature

- Considerable augmentation in thoracic extension

- Tangible progress in achieving improved hip positioning