Josh是一名運動愛好者,他做重訓、打高爾夫、也玩滑水Wakeboarding。由於脊椎側彎的原因 ,他經常在運動完或工作時間太久時感到下背緊繃疼痛,於是在朋友的介紹下接觸了FP訓練 ,在經過16個月的訓練之後,他的下背不舒服感大幅減少,也從一開始只要一動到腰就會覺得 很痠很緊,會需要一直不斷伸展做眼鏡蛇式放鬆自己的腰,到大幅改善疼痛到不再需要做任 何伸展,緊繃痠痛的肩頸也已改善。
Before: 2023 4月 跑步速度:22KPH
After:2024 9月
Josh is an avid sports enthusiast who engages in weight training, golf, and wakeboarding. Due to scoliosis, he frequently experienced tightness and pain in his lower back and shoulder after exercising or working for extended periods. Upon a friend’s recommendation, he started FP training. After 16 months of training, his lower back discomfort significantly
decreased. Initially, any movement involving his lower back would cause severe tightness and pain, requiring constant stretching, particularly with the cobra pose, to relieve the discomfort. However, his pain has now greatly improved, and he no longer needs to stretch.
Before: April 2023
- Running Speed: 22 KPH
❌ The head and cervical spine are stuck shifting to the left.
❌Body stuck in a forward-leaning position.
❌Shoulder compression.
❌Stiff spinal movements.
❌ Stiff pelvic and lumbar movements upon landing.
❌Lower back pain: 9/10.
❌shoulder pain :6/10
After: September 2024
- Running Speed: 28KPH
✅The head and cervical spine sway more evenly.
✅Enhanced spinal extension capability.
✅Improved shoulder and scapular movements.
✅Increased spinal flexibility; better rotation and lateral bending.
✅Decrease lumbar compression and pelvic posterior shift
✅Lower back pain: 2/10.
✅Shoulder pain: 0/10