礎崴過去從事健美訓練10年,因為工作導致下背緊繃、疼痛已經很長的一段時 間,嘗試許多方式最後都只有短期的舒緩,在找到FP訓練之後,每週上課二次 ,起初因為腰椎的的壓迫、緊繃、疼痛導致他無法盡全力衝刺,在經過5個月的 訓練後,一直以來的下背痛從9分降至0分,下背痛已不再出現,我們可以從影 片看到過去他在衝刺過中因為腰椎的壓迫導致軀幹和股盆有大幅度的飄移,在 之後的影片可明顯地看到當他腰椎壓迫解除後,身體找回了平衡、彈性,並且 速度從12提升至23kph

Before: Feb 2024,running at 15kph

After: July 2024, runniing at 23kph
✅ 下背痛解除(0/10)

客戶心得: 接觸健美式訓練到現在超過10年了,但工作過程中的下背疼痛卻始終揮之不去。開始FP訓練之後才真正的認知到身體的控制不應該以習慣為主。 FP訓練以來,深刻的體會到看似簡單的走路跑步站立,都應該是所有肌肉各司 其職來共同完成,儘管在原本的機械式訓練模式下肌肉量增加了,但若動態中 失能的位置依然失能,那麼疼痛問題將持續存在。 在訓練中學會了如何控制骨盆腰椎胸椎肋骨等建造穩固的張力,再套用到生活 中的所有動作時,才發現原來過去的習慣隱藏多少問題。 如果你第一次嘗試FP,請不要被第一堂課的挫折打敗而放棄或腹黑,空瓶心態 放下過去對於訓練的認知,你將會看見不同的自己。

CHU WEI has been engaged in bodybuilding training for 10 years. Due to work, he has experienced tightness and pain in his lower back for a long time. He tried many methods, but they only provided short-term relief. After discovering FP training, he started attending classes twice a week. Initially, due to the compression, tightness, and pain in his lumbar spine, he was unable to sprint at full capacity. After 5 months of training, his lower back pain decreased from 9 to 0, and the pain has not returned. We can see from the video that previously, due to the compression in his lumbar spine, his torso and pelvis would significantly sway during sprints. In later videos, it's clear that after relieving the compression in his lumbar spine, his body regained balance and flexibility, and his speed increased from 12 to 23 kph.

#functionalpatterns #fptaiwan